Saturday, July 18, 2009

warped tour.

so my experience with warped tour was an interesting one this year. I didn't care for the majority of the bands who performed, but it didn't matter to me. To me, the fun you experience is mostly defined by you and your outlook on whatever the situation may be. I wanted to go to see Innerpartysystem mostly, because they are absolutely amazing as a band, especially live..I'll get back to that later, though. Anyway, so Long Island sucks, as is. I'm saying this as someone who has lived here for basically my entire life minus two years spent in's a very..I guess you could say, 'what you make it' kinda place. The music scene's basically - well, actually, IS - D-E-A-D. Probably why most bands don't play here often; even the ones who originate from here. People are obscenely obnoxious, especially when driving..and really, if you live here you're either dirt poor or filthy rich; there's almost no middle ground. But today made me forget that, somewhat.
First, when I walk in - and I kinda knew it was going to occur during the day; I mean, c'mon..have you not SEEN the lineup this year? - a young girl, I'll give her 13, in matching zebra bra and belt is standing there on the side of the road; like a greeting sign. Okay..seriously? I mean, not to be a stooper, but how did that girl's parents even allow her to walk out of the house like that? And even does she not realize that her attire automatically SCREAMS whorebag? I guess one could say it's kind of a given when attending events such as friend, who I was with, made a comment: 'you ever wonder where all the scene kids go?'s almost as if they're in hiding until these things pop up'. I had to got me thinking.
Then, my lovely, ice cold water bottle that I had spent a nice 2$ on, had to be dumped. and there was A LOT of water in there.....made me a little sad. ): But I got to refill it later on a couple of times.
I met some cool people. Cole Kriescher from More Like The Movies, Zack Pennington from Hark The Herald, and..this guy who, I can't remember his name..but! I do know that August 31st his band, or the band he supports, Lights Resolve, is playing a show at the Bowery. so I will most definitely stop by, haha. Of course, also, I met the great Innerpartysystem - just to make a quick side note, it only me who realizes how reclusive Patrick is in person, then on stage, he's like..a party animal/total opposite? It's quite amusing.. - once again, both to scold Kris and support them. I wasn't kidding when I said that by the next day, I'd have killer shoulders..I was holding up their sign all day, haha. They did, in fact, turn out quite jacked and tan..
As previously stated, I didn't care for the majority of the bands there who did perform. However, in addition to meeting some great ones, I was introduced to some, as well. Two bands I highly recommend, because they were so kick-ass live, are The AKA's & ThereforeIAm.
At the end of the day, after seeing Innerpartysystem and their wonderful set - who could not admire the passion they put into their music? - getting a kiss on the cheek from Kris Barman - that's right, bitch - and having issues with getting home, I realized the forty bucks I spent was well worth it. Cause really, in the end, your day is what you make it.

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