Thursday, March 26, 2009


What is the point of arguing? or, rather, let me rephrase: what is the point of arguing an opinion that lacks any sort of sense or potential purpose? I've grown up around it, I live through it..I'm just SO COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY DONE with it. Yelling, screaming, arguing,'s all the same, frustrating bullshit to me. My parents; prime examples to this topic, mind you; make me not want to have children or further more get married, because of this. It's enough stress being the child that has to put up with the ridiculous banter and turmoil..I would never want to turn out that way. I just can't wait until the day when I'm able to walk out the door..Legally. Eighteen years of the same shit over and over and over..I'm surprised I still have whatever sanity that I seem to have left. Really. And yeah, perhaps my upbringing isn't too much different than how the real world is..but, as crazy as it sounds, I'm much more able to deal with the shit that fate and reality bring(s) me rather than who live(s) under the same roof as I do. Cause it's fucking depressing; it really is..sure, they're not alcoholics, they're not drug abusers, but it's still abuse. Not necessarily physically; but rather emotionally and mentally..which, in my opinion, is far more worse than any physical pain or suffering one can endure, because it eats you alive from the inside out..slowly, gradually, never going away. Hopefully, however, what with college and all that jazz coming around the corner, I can somehow pause this blasphemy..or, even better, make it cease.

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